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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the foundation’s highest governing body. It consists of six or seven members with personal deputies. Board members and their deputies are elected for terms of four years. The longest term of office is eight years, unless majorities within both the museum’s board and its founders see special reasons to allow a longer term.

Chairman: Håvar Fjerdingøy (Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani)​

Deputy: Sveinung Lystrup Thesen (Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani)

Board member: Harald Høgseth (Governor of Svalbard)
Deputy: Siri Hoem (Governor of Svalbard)

Board member: Kristin Furu Grøtting (Longyearbyen Community Council)
Deputy: Espen Klungseth Rotevatn (Longyearbyen Community Council)

Board member: Stine H Teigen (Longyearbyen Community Council)
Deputy: Torgeir Prytz (Longyearbyen Community Council)

Board member: Kim Holmén (Norwegian Polar Institute)
Deputy: Åshild Ø Pedersen (Norwegian Polar Institute)

Board member: Frank Nilsen (University Centre in Svalbard)
Deputy: Maria Jensen (University Centre in Svalbard)

Personnel representative: Mikael A Bjerkestrand
Deputy: Sigrun Selboe

Observer from Sysselmesteren: Monika Serafinska

    (January 2023)

    Strategic documents

    Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.18
    Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2