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Museum gift shop

Looking for a nice souvenir or a gift for someone? We haven an appealing museum gift shop with a nice selection of artisan items, books, maps and souvenirs.


You will also find a huge selection of literature about Svalbard and the polar regions. In addition to books with facts of Svalbard, we offer a selection of novels and other useful, pleasant books. Children's books and polar literature from Vågemot publishing house are also to be found in our shelves. 

  • 1/4
    Svalbard museum har et stort utvalg bøker knyttet til Svalbard og Arktis. Oppslagsverk, historiebøker, barnebøker, skjønnlitteratur, reisehåndbøker mm. Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Bøker for barn Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
  • 4/4
    Bøker knyttet til Svalbards historie, natur og kultur Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum


Do you need a map? Whether it is for an overview or for hiking or skiing - we have the biggest choice of Svalbard maps in Longyearbyen.

  • Photo shows maps of Svalbard
    Maps of Svalbar Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
  • Photo shows maps of Svalbard
    Maps of Svalbard Hege Anita Eilertsen
  • Photo shows maps of Svalbard.
    The biggest selection of Svalbard maps in Longyearbyen. Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
  • Photo shows map of Svalbard
    Map of Svalbard Hege Anita Eilertsen

Something to remind you of Svalbard?

Beautiful, useful, and decorative items – made in or inspired by Svalbard. Handmade sweaters, woollen hats, silver jewellery, water bottles, magnets, puzzles and posters. Maybe this is what you will be bringing home?

The museum gift shop is open during museum opening hours. 

We are sorry - we do not have an online shop and we do not ship. 

  • The photo shows the museum reception.
    The museum gift shop has a nice selection of maps, books, knitted hats, sweaters and other Svalbard memories Ragnhild Utne | Svalbard Museum
  • 2/12
    Mange forskjellige reiseminner i museumsbutikken Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Varme og vakre luer Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Mange forskjellige reiseminner fra Svalbard Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Bøker knyttet til Svalbards historie, natur og kultur Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Christiane Ritter har skrevet boken "Kvinne i polarnatten". Den beskriver hennes år på overvintring i Gråhuken. Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Vennlige og dyktige medarbeidere hjelper deg gjerne Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
  • The photo shows warm hats that can be purchased.
    The museum gift shop has a nice selection of warm hats Ragnhild Utne | Svalbard Museum
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    Hege Anita Eilertsen
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    Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
  • 11/12
    Christiane Ritter malte vakre akvareller under oppholdet sitt på Gråhuken. Vi har laget sjal med mønster fra ett av hennes akvareller. Sjalet er i ull og silke og selges kun hos Svalbard museum. Hege Anita Eilertsen | Svalbard museum
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    Hege Anita Eilertsen
Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.29
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2