Plesiosaurs ranged in length from a couple metres to thirteen metres. They lived from the Triassic period until dying out 65 million years ago, at the same time as the dinosaurs. They mostly lived in the sea, but also in fresh water. Plesiosaurs ate fish and squid. There are two subgroups of Plesiosaurs: short-necked and long-necked.
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Excavating a plesiosaur. Photo: Jørn Hurum
Ichthyosaurs were reptiles with dolphin-like bodies. They lived in the sea during the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. Their forelimbs developed into powerful flippers, and their tails resembled fish tails. They were experts at catching squid and fish, and had the largest eyes ever developed by any vertebrate. In the Cretaceous period they were rare, and they died out before the dinosaurs.