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Public Lecture: Polar Climate and Cultural Heritage

On the 12th of September Polar climate and cultural heritage (PCCH) will be holding a public lecture, hosted by Svalbard Museum. PCCH-Arctic aims to create a knowledge base for sustainable safeguarding and future use of cultural heritage in the Arctic under changing demographic and climatic conditions.

18:00 - 20:00 Svalbard Museum/Lassegrotta


•    Projected climate changes in Svalbard, Oskar Landgren and Julia Lutz, MET
•    Projected permafrost changes, Juditha Aga and Sebastian Westermann, University of Oslo (UiO)
•    Values, attitudes, and dilemmas in relation to cultural heritage in Svalbard, Alexandra Meyer, University of Vienna
•    Praktisk eller perfekt? Kulturminner og klimaendringer på Svalbard. Forvaltningen av taubaneanlegget i Longyearbyen og omegn 2003-2022, Ingalill Johansen Seljelv, NTNU
•    Analysis of the Impact of Natural Hazards on Cultural Heritage in Longyearbyen and Ny- Ålesund, Anatoly Sinitsyn, Yared Bekele, Anni Vehola (UNIS) and Lena Rubensdotter (NGU/UNIS).

Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2