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From exploration to research

The main objective of many of the early polar expeditions was geographical mapping. At the same time, many hoped to set new ‘furthest north’ records. Research in the natural sciences evolved rapidly at the end of the 1800s.

Scientists realised that the polar regions were crucially important when studying fundamental natural phenomena. This was particularly true in geophysical fields, such as meteorology, geomagnetism, and aurora borealis.

Below you can read more about some – but far from all the expeditions that has found place on Svalbard.

In recent decades research has become very important for the economy and social development of the archipelago. What makes Svalbard so interesting for science and vice versa?

Sentrale forskningsinstitusjoner

Reasearch at UNIS- the worlds northernmost university 

Museum24:Portal - 2025.02.14
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